Why RedFez

Choosing a name for a new business can be one of the most challenging tasks. We needed something short and punchy, professional yet flexible, and with an available web domain. Many IT-related names were already taken, even by companies thousands of miles away, and we didn't want to build a brand only to encounter issues later on. While we are starting small and local, we have big aspirations for the future.

We have a fondness for cats, especially black ones. Incorporating "Blackcat" into our name would have been ideal, but it turned out to be surprisingly common. With so many businesses using "Blackcat" in their names, we opted instead to feature a black cat in our logo.

As for the Red Fez, that inspiration came from a whimsical moment. A few years ago, we bought a couple of fezzes for our children as a nod to one of our favorite TV shows, Doctor Who (because fezzes are cool, right?). One day, Helen tried on a fez, and the idea just clicked: RedFez. That was the perfect name. Naturally, our black cat in the logo had to wear a red fez.

Special thanks to James Gaden at Halographic for the logo design. He perfectly captured our vision and created something unique. We love it, and we hope you do too.