

Email is a core communication tool for every business and as such, you cannot afford to be without it. Luckily, we can help to make sure you have email that can cope with the demands your business will throw at it


Whether you just need a single, simple, branded inbox or the full collaborative functionality of Microsoft 365 we can set up and manage your emails for you.

We can also ensure your emails are safe and secure from cyberthreats and backed up in the event of a disaster. We can provide email security including spam and content filtering to reduce the amount of unsavoury content you receive and to seriously reduce your chances of falling foul of phishing. We can also back up your emails so that in the evnet of a disaster, big or small, you cna still access your email and keep your business running.

We are a Microsoft Partner and able to offer exchange email via Microsoft 365 for all our business clients. Microsoft 365 is paid for on a monthly subscription basis, so there are no large, upfront costs, helping you with your cashflow. Plus, you can pay a little extra and get access to all the Office applications (Word, Excel etc) plus other business tools too, like Teams, Sharepoint, One Drive etc.

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